Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A man in a woman's world

So here we go a Beanie update. I am putting together information for my Beanie booth. I think the first topic will be lumps and bumps. So what better way to support this than with images of boobs and willies. So remember my article that I commit to my friends? Well I think they won't mind committing to me. Then I realise five girls one boy, not enough willies! Bear with me this story is going somewhere. The girls, Wendy, Sam, Evie, Jami and me well we are hardly wallflowers. When we meet regarding our sim we talk according to the agenda and explore lots of avenues, I swear Stav is raising his eyebrows on occasion. I know he struggles to get a word in edgewise at times. So here he is a man in a non wallflower woman's world.

I am conscious at times that we talk and talk and I swear when I look back at minutes, (yes we have minutes what do you expect from ex greeters and guides?) I see shoes at least mentioned once. Thing is he is patient, he has to be, it beats frustration!
I mean there are courses to facilitate men and women working together.

The ability of men and women to work together successfully is crucial in any workplace. This course examines how to develop the awareness and skills necessary to resolve conflicts and to meet other challenges that arise.

Learnkey 2011

Well he can't buy shoes for us to keep us quiet. Maybe he could get a conch like in William Golding's Lord of the Flies. Ralph ensured that any boy holding the conch had freedom to speak..ooh so a pixel conch.
Maybe not they did smash it with a rock then killed Piggy. Girls are prone to excitement too its a wonderful trait but I can see how sometimes you can't get in conversation with one sentence as a guy. We are all very different types of communicators and I love that. Each one of us has a quality that enhances each other. Me, I am the worse person in a meeting, they don't know if I have crashed or typing war and peace. Its not uncommon to hear Sam say type ENTER Beanie.

So I try to think what it would be like for me a girl with 5 males in a meeting, automatically I think I might have to fight my corner to be heard. It takes a certain bloke to embark on a sim adventure with 5 independent strong minded chickadees, so I take my hat off.
I am not sure if it is appropriate to say Stav can I take a picture of your willie? However I did because we are all friends and we seem to know no boundaries. I thought who on my contacts list can I ask that same question? I didn't know. So easy going, approachable and non wallflower enduring is our Stav.
Perhaps an expose on one of the others in our gang, perhaps I will do .......Ooohh you will have to wait!


  1. Not even logged into SL yet and already i'm laughing at you beanie. I'll be jumping into my contacts and asking for pix of bits...this should make for interesting conversation!
    Sam x

  2. OH Golly bean! This is perfect... and you know soooo true. I think Stav has the patience of a saint, a heart of gold, a stomach of steal to take us all on! Bless him!

  3. It's amazing what you can do on Diazepam :P

  4. Good luck Stav! I'm sending you a carton of a beer and a lad's mag, in case you are losing sight of yourself ;)

  5. Ooooh!! Can i get to see the proofs!! xxx

  6. A Lads mag you say? are you trying to razzle me? lol To be honest if you send me that I may well be losing sight in some way :P
