Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Cafe du Monde in SL: Opening Soon...

The Cafe du Monde in Real Life in the New Orleans French Quarter
Opened in 1862, the historic Cafe Du Monde Coffee Stand in the New Orleans French Market is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  The staff goes home and locks the doors only on Christmas day (and occasionally when a hurricane blows in to New Orleans).

The cafe is famous for its dark roasted coffee and chicory, home-made beignets (you can even buy their famous beignet mix in boxes online), milk, and fresh orange juice.  Things are kept pretty traditional at the Cafe Du Monde.  The coffee and chicory are generally served Au Lait (mixed half and half with hot milk) as is the New Orleans style, but customers are welcome to request theirs black.  Iced coffee was not served until 1988, the same year they served soft-drinks for the very first time.

The Cafe du Monde in Second Life in One Quarter French

Cafe du Monde is dedicated to its customers and is a popular chat spot in the French Quarter.  Visitors stop by even in late evenings, perhaps for a cup of their decaffeinated coffee and a trio of the square, fried fritters dusted with powered sugar, known as Beignets. 

Like the Real Life Cafe, the SL Cafe Du Monde will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We won't close for hurricanes, but perhaps for the occasional Second Life maintenance schedule, and if you have a question or an event idea, drop Jami Titanium a  note card.

See you there for coffee!

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