Saturday, February 19, 2011

Barry Manilow, the plant and me.

I have discovered I enjoy writing. Yes I know its not academic writing but it definitely beats writing about the care of a paediatric tracheostomy tube, my next project. Don't worry readers you won't have to endure that little article.

The sim is coming on leaps and bounds and we seem to be on track for March. Buildings are going up so are trees its exciting stuff. Alexa and I made a trailer park gypsy camp for which we just childishly guffawed at, complete with pit bull. A gypsy camp I hear you say? Its not stopping but its that kind of nonsense that keeps me on Second Life. Things you just chuckle at for no reason.
Second life is about the chuckle for me. Then it happened my Internet started to crash as though the oompa lumpa that was powering it had decided sod this fag break! Day after day telecoms endlessly try to fix it but to no avail. Then the offending article appeared. The oompa lumpa must of decided to take up horticulture as a plant is growing through my outside cables.

OK, so its not as big as that but it might as well be as its stopping me going on Second life and ensuring it takes me an hour longer than what it should do to watch Glee and complete a blog article. I am loathing that plant as it has become public enemy number one. Each time I log I get more WB's that I am starting to feel I have joined a tourettes self help group; WB, WB, WB, WB!!

I can't stay on longer than a goldfish's memory. I believe something wonderful has been put up in our sim, I wouldn't know as I only see WB's!!!

The reason tonight that I am bugged is that its Barry Manilow night. Why is that important, well secretly I fancy myself as Lola the show girl. Yes its camp but god do I love camp. Our fabulous builder's are beavering away at our sim. I am a distraction as I pet the pit bull and sit on a burnt out tyre. When its finished I will be Lola cavorting in One Quarter French, till that time well I like the odd cavort in Madame Lala's, my friends Torric and Billy's club. Bette Midler was great but its Barry Manilow night tonight and I love a bit of Bazza.

I mean look at him? His tasteful crimson velour jacket, his cheesy smile and his trademark conk. For once that is not a Beanie typo but is Brit slang for NOSE. I knew I was having a night in and well Barry was going to be my dream date.
I like Madame Lala's because it is all about the chuckle. Its the epitome of fun.
Getting involved in and setting up a sim in a team can be a bit arduous, it can make your brain ache. Especially if you are a Sim virgin. However seeing it grow, knowing people will want to come and enjoy your vision well that's what makes it worthwhile. I can't wait for One Quarter French to be up and running so I can cavort on my own stage but until then I am having downtime and cavorting to Madame LaLa and enjoying every minute.
Right readers I am off to hacksaw a plant, Madame Lala awaits and if I get stuck in Barry's Bermuda triangle well I will have a sulk on.
Time taken to write article 1 hr 10 mins, I am going to throttle that green fingered oompa lumpa!

1 comment:

  1. well the plant seems to of got the better of me I just got a glimpse of Barry's dulcet tones. Why do I love Barry? Well because I loved a man when i was little who let me dance on his feet whilst he wore high heel red shoes as he twirled me. As gay as they come he showed me red lipstick show tunes, Barry and Liza and that having grace in the face of adversity was what made a person beautiful.
