Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Return of the Bean

Well I am not sure if its a fluke but I managed to stay logged for a full 4 hours. The oompa lumpa is now in the hands of the authorities for being a nuisance. Its been 3 months since I was last with sight but I have to say with hindsight it wasn't so bad. Communication impaired by sight is difficult, yes, but its still communication. I appreciated everyone taking the time to be patient with me especially Evie, my own labradoodle. Aarons decided to have a Beanie night at the Whirling Dervish, where I could pick any song I wanted. I was cautious not to pick I used to love her but I had to kill her for Evie so relied on count on me by Bruno Mars. A song that reflects our friendship. I had my first twirl with Bradley Verino but I cocked up the request by selecting a song about how this bloke hates this girl for stalking him. Well yup dork brain beanie is back with constant "I'm lost" statements in local. So its business as usual!

How did I get fixed well I have no clue all I know it took one of these below for things to improve.

A good old French Fancy. 5 of these down his throat and all was well in Beanie's world. Phew I say! I thought I was going to have to dust off my Karma Sutra.

So I will be frequenting One Quarter French again and fortunately for Evie doing my own Beanie Booth. I am not sure she could cope with the perils of gonorrhoea.

Thanks once again for all your advice chickadees.

1 comment:

  1. I think many people are pretty pleased to hear this...me I am totally ecstatic and doing happy dances round my lounge....welcome back beanie.....just behave or I let the oompa back out!
