Friday, June 17, 2011

My definition......

love (luv) noun

deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or persons

Love is.... a short word...over in but a moment. Almost said before the meaning is computed. How do you define it?

Well me - I define it very carefully. I think it is a vastly over used yet undervalued word. How many times a day is it said out of habit or expectation rather than true meaning and feeling?

I tend to be judged as being cold, heartless, frosty - I know I have had them all said. I say this isn't true. I just hold my love, affection and adoration in a very closely guarded place and I only show it when I believe it is truly meant and deserved. I don't flutter it around me like losing tickets at the Grand National. But then, when I freely give it to someone- don't you think it means so much more?

Love for me is more than a word. Its loving someone despite their smelly socks, curry breath or morning fart habit. Its seeing the bad side and adoring them anyway. This is why Second Life love is so hard for me to there we only get the good bits so how can love be tested to be true?

That brings me onto my next subject....

com·mit·ment (-mÉ™nt) noun

a pledge or promise to do something

In order to love someone you have to be committed to them. But again - this seems to be something that is promised frequently and broken as often.

For me being committed to something or someone is putting the needs of that person or that task at the top of our list. Its something else that seems to have been lost in the throwaway society we live in. More frequently it's more like 'I am totally committed to you (unless it's too much hassle for me then I will go pick up some noob at a sex beach and pixel pork her)'

Often in Second Life I think people fall back on the notion that 'It's just a game don't take it so seriously' notion when they want to back out of a commitment. For me's only a game insofar as it's a crap load of fun. Otherwise every person is a human and has feelings and will be hurt when they are let down. So in my view...well I don't commit to anything I don't mean and fully intend to stick to.

Of course I know my views on love and commitment are not necessarily the SLers norm...I have to admit to feeling a bit of a freak on fact I often worry its leading me towards another definition of the word...

v. com·mit·ted, com·mit·ting, com·mits

To place officially in confinement or custody, as in a mental health facility.

Now thats more like me!! Fancy the share of a cuddle coat anyone?

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