
This page is dedicated to the fabulous friends and patrons who have donated time, builds or anything else to the creation of One French Quarter.

We are so lucky to have people like you as part of our Second Life!

*  Alexa Froobert and Becca Eyre ~ countless hours building our beautiful Sim
*  Debbie Ohi (Inkygirl Ozimu) ~ promotion on her blog
*  Dark Sixpence ~ "Star Shower" prim
*  Bret Doultan ~ 12,000L
*  Graham Dartmouth ~ club and dance equipment with intan system
*  Daytona Coba ~ 1,000L
*  Merry Ze'evi (Myrrdin Resident) ~ 6,000L plus time and effort to schedule Sojurn Rossini
*  Cathy Curie ~ 3,000L
*  Kyl Donogal ~ The design of the French Letters logo