'He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it'
Clarence Buddinton Kelland
Clarence Buddinton Kelland
When I was 4 my Daddy was a mystical person I only saw for half an hour a day who would alternately praise or scold me depending on my days behaviour.

By 14 he was the force stopping me from doing what I should be allowed to - it just wasn't FAIR!! And occasionally the person tidying up after my rebellious messes.
At 18 he was the one I suddenly realised actually might know a thing or two about life.
By 21 he was the example I used to show me how to live my life and the one thing I knew had shaped me into who I was.
By 24 my Daddy was the one thing I thought I could never live without and somehow had to learn how to.
And by my mid 30's he is the one person I would choose to be able to see. touch. hug and most of all be scolded by again.
I count myself lucky enough to have had such an amazing Dad for the time I did - and I know some people are not so lucky.
In just a couple of weeks time its Fathers Day. Not a day to buy an extortionate card or a pair of socks just because you have to. Should you be as lucky as I was, it's a day to feel and show your gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful job your Daddy has done. I will be doing the same.
Smiles at Evie, gives her a squeeze and remembers others. It was a year ago yesterday i lost my father.