Sunday, June 26, 2011

Doctor Noob Premiere

Saturday in One Quarter French saw the Premiere of the much awaited SL film epic from BS Productions - Dr Noob.

This took Bunky Snowbear and myself about 7 weekends to film (him living upside down for some bizarre reason) and as almost the most fun I have ever had in SL to date.

Le Baiser Rouge was decorated with the customary red carpet and velvet ropes to hold back the paparazzi. Popcorn was fetched, gestures were muted and web wombats were kicked into action and so the show began.

A slightly green and sick looking Bunky waited with bated breath to get the crowds response...and phew they loved it.

The favourite scene was unanimously agreed to be 'the lift scene' and so the after-show party began

Fans queued up to have their photo taken with the star of the show James007 Resident aka Bunky and the paparazzi broke free and cameras flashed all over

Some photos for you of the fun...

Evie & Bunky wait nervously for the crowds

Evie in front of the big screen

Bunky & Evie pose for the paparazzi

One of the stars, Dana has her photo taken with Bunky

Bunky passes out with the pressure of stardom...or maybe one too many Martinis

Alec finally gets his photo taken with the star after a four hour queue and a flask of Bovril

If you missed out on the day then no panic - the full film will be up on Vimeo for another week

Dr. Noob from Bunky Snowbear on Vimeo.

Friday, June 17, 2011

My definition......

love (luv) noun

deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or persons

Love is.... a short word...over in but a moment. Almost said before the meaning is computed. How do you define it?

Well me - I define it very carefully. I think it is a vastly over used yet undervalued word. How many times a day is it said out of habit or expectation rather than true meaning and feeling?

I tend to be judged as being cold, heartless, frosty - I know I have had them all said. I say this isn't true. I just hold my love, affection and adoration in a very closely guarded place and I only show it when I believe it is truly meant and deserved. I don't flutter it around me like losing tickets at the Grand National. But then, when I freely give it to someone- don't you think it means so much more?

Love for me is more than a word. Its loving someone despite their smelly socks, curry breath or morning fart habit. Its seeing the bad side and adoring them anyway. This is why Second Life love is so hard for me to there we only get the good bits so how can love be tested to be true?

That brings me onto my next subject....

com·mit·ment (-mÉ™nt) noun

a pledge or promise to do something

In order to love someone you have to be committed to them. But again - this seems to be something that is promised frequently and broken as often.

For me being committed to something or someone is putting the needs of that person or that task at the top of our list. Its something else that seems to have been lost in the throwaway society we live in. More frequently it's more like 'I am totally committed to you (unless it's too much hassle for me then I will go pick up some noob at a sex beach and pixel pork her)'

Often in Second Life I think people fall back on the notion that 'It's just a game don't take it so seriously' notion when they want to back out of a commitment. For me's only a game insofar as it's a crap load of fun. Otherwise every person is a human and has feelings and will be hurt when they are let down. So in my view...well I don't commit to anything I don't mean and fully intend to stick to.

Of course I know my views on love and commitment are not necessarily the SLers norm...I have to admit to feeling a bit of a freak on fact I often worry its leading me towards another definition of the word...

v. com·mit·ted, com·mit·ting, com·mits

To place officially in confinement or custody, as in a mental health facility.

Now thats more like me!! Fancy the share of a cuddle coat anyone?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Who is this?

First person to
correctly guess, will be getting $200L !!

If your name is Evie, Bean, Stavros or Kyl, you are not elegible to enter this competition

The name is Bond......

As some of you may know I have been busily occupied these last few weeks making a new Second Life machinima film with Director extraordinaire Bunky Snowbear.

It is set to be a comedy spoof Bond with plenty of action...we have just realeased the trailer so click below to check it out and watch this space for details of the full release.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Well it will take me approximately an hour longer than what it should do to write this blog as I can guarantee I will of had to get up and ping my router roughly 15 times. Thinking positively at least I am exercising!! (I think that might be what psychiatrists call delusional)

Above is (pictured centre) Arse the ring leader who is interfering with my Internet and the other two (right) Bollocks Brain and (left) Halfwit, the ones that make up the triplets affectionately known as Telecoms.

I was lulled into a false sense of security with a couple of months of blissful Internet but now I have vanished once again. I can only be seen as a distant cloud typing random "g's" in local just to check I am actually online.

I am offering bribes to the engineer from beer, french fancies perhaps stuff you can get from 0898 my American friends think dodgy phone lines that require you to sell a kidney to pay the bill.

Not having the Internet is making me discover new things like I have too many cobwebs on my ceiling, that I need to water my bamboo plant, and that tele really is rubbish.

However I did decide to manicure my trotters yesterday and sat with a face pack on whilst reciting new words that could be entered into a profanisaurus all preceded by the word Internet. I would divulge an example but I am already in fear that I may be in breach of profanity by referring to an oompa lumpa as Bollocks Brain.

I am frustrated that I can't get online but it is making me actually think about using my time constructively. Sometimes readers don't you think the minute you click your SL icon that time just seems to run away with itself? I am not castigating our love of bandwidth but have you actually dusted down your own cobwebs and treated yourself to a trotter makeover whilst shoving licorice allsorts in your gob. For a short interlude its not really that bad and once you have Columbo on well its excitement all the way!

Yes I am perhaps a glass half full girlie but all the shouting in the world won't fix me and I have an engineer that is as equally fed up with my fault as he arduously tries to fix it. So patience is apparently a virtue and as I work in health maybe its something that is inherent of me. (Although my dental hygienist has a look of Hannibal Lecter when scaling and polishing) .

I suppose what I am rabbiting on about is you won't catch me online whilst broken but I will return as chirpy as I left with lovely manicured trotters.

Being broken enforces me to dust off my Columbo box sets and that can't be half bad! (OK shurrup I am trying to keep a sunny disposition)

Note to Sister Cathy apologies for swear words but I have actually said more bedtime prayers whilst being cut off (and that's the truth)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Daddy

'He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it'
Clarence Buddinton Kelland

When I was 4 my Daddy was a mystical person I only saw for half an hour a day who would alternately praise or scold me depending on my days behaviour.

By 8 he had become the focus of my world - and mostly our fights were over who exactly was meant to be looking after who.

By 14 he was the force stopping me from doing what I should be allowed to - it just wasn't FAIR!! And occasionally the person tidying up after my rebellious messes.

At 18 he was the one I suddenly realised actually might know a thing or two about life.

By 21 he was the example I used to show me how to live my life and the one thing I knew had shaped me into who I was.

By 24 my Daddy was the one thing I thought I could never live without and somehow had to learn how to.

And by my mid 30's he is the one person I would choose to be able to see. touch. hug and most of all be scolded by again.

I count myself lucky enough to have had such an amazing Dad for the time I did - and I know some people are not so lucky.

In just a couple of weeks time its Fathers Day. Not a day to buy an extortionate card or a pair of socks just because you have to. Should you be as lucky as I was, it's a day to feel and show your gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful job your Daddy has done. I will be doing the same.